Kids Play Childcare – Terms and Conditions
Kids Play childcare, here after referred to as KPC, aim to work in partnership with parents and carers to create and maintain a safe, caring, stimulating and educational environment of children in it’s care. All parent/guardians wishing to make use of the service offered by KPC, must strictly adhere to the terms and conditions and sign this document as evidence of their acceptance and agreement to the terms and conditions under which KPC will operate. As we aim to develop an interactive partnership with all users and schools, we would welcome suggestions and discussion on ways to improve the service we offer.
1. Registration Forms
An application form, which lists the child/ren’s details and outlines the childcare arrangements, must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian. Listed must be names of responsible parties with access to the child/ren. Also listed must be the names, addresses and telephone numbers of two emergency contacts that may be called upon in case of an emergency when parents cannot be contacted and they too must be responsible individuals. Responsible parties or individuals must be those over the age of eighteen.
2.Morning collection
2.1 Children may be dropped between the hours of 7.30am-8.30am if breakfast is to be provided.
2.2 Children must be ready for collection at the time specified on the application form/timetable unless prior to agreement to the time alteration has been made. Children not ready at the agreed time will be left and you will need to make your own alternative arrangements to get your child/ren to school, how ever fee remain payable.
2.3 Children will be collected only if there is a responsible party present who is over the age of thirteen (13.)
2.4 Child/ren being independently brought to the centre must arrive by the specified time on the form. Late arrivals will result in you having to make your own arrangements to get your child/ren to school and fees will remain payable.
2.5 Arrangements broken on more than two occasions may result in your child/rens place being withdrawn.
2.6 If children are not to be collected KPC must receive at least one-hour notification. Fail to do so on more than three (3) occasions may result in your child/rens place being withdrawn.
3.Collection from school
3.1 KPC will endeavour to collect children as quickly as possible, however this will not be later than thirty (30) minutes after the school closes. Children will be collected by KPC personnel or their representatives and will not be allowed to make their own way to the centre.
3.2 Parents/guardians must arrange with the school for their child/ren to remain in their care until they are collected, which KPC will confirm in writing.
3.3 Notification of children who are not being collected must be received at least one hour before the close of the school. Fail to notify in accordance with this clause will result in an additional charge of £5.00 on each occasion to cover time spent trying to locate the child/ren. Should this occur on more than three occasions it may result in the loss of the
child/rens place.
3.4 KPC must be kept up to date with changes relating to access to children’s or collection arrangements. We will not allow access or collection of children unless confirmation has been received.
3.5 Children must be ready for collection from school within 10 minutes of our driver’s arrival. If any child/ren are not ready within 10 minutes of Kids Play arrival, parent/carers will be contacted in order for alternative collection arrangements to be made.
4.Delivery home of children
4.1 KPC will deliver children to their home no later than thirty (30) minutes after the time specified on the application form. The child/ren will only be left if a responsible party is present in the home, an additional charge of £5.00 may be made on each occasion that KPC staff are unable to leave the children at home or specified location at the specified
time due to no responsible party being available to accept the child/ren.
4.2 Other than parents/guardians, only those listed in accordance with above may collect children from the centre. If other parties are asked to collect the children, then prior written authority must have been provided before the time of collection.
4.3 if on more than three occasions there is no one at home, or a reasonable party available to receive a child this will result in the loss of the child/ren’s place
4.4 in the event that the child/ren are not collected from the centre or there is no responsible party with whom they can be left with at home KPC will make every endeavour to get in touch with the emergency contacts given. Fail to locate
one of these contacts will result in KPC contacting the police and a duty social worker and may result in the loss of the child/rens places.
5.Childminding drop in (commencing at a later date)
Parents who wish to only use this service, have to register accordingly. this allows parents to drop their children into the centre to be cared for on an hourly basis.
5.1 Children registered for this service can be brought in by a responsible person who will book in the child/ren.
5.2 Children may only be collected by parties listed on the arrangement form in accordance with 1 above.
6. Attendance.
Children are expected to attend each weekday however, should a child become ill or holiday is to be taken and will not be attending KPC must be notified.
7. Emergency contacts and access.
Parents/guardians must ensure that emergency contact and persons with access in accordance with the above are familiar with the necessary procedures. In cases of emergency and parents/guardians cannot be contacted, KPC will get in touch with an emergency contact named. He or she will then take on responsibility for the children. Persons with access may collect children in accordance with 4.2 above. KPC must be notified immediately of any change of details to emergency contacts and/or their telephone number.
8. Fees
8.1 Full fees will be payable unless written notification of discounts has been made.
8.2 Fees are payable weekly of monthly in advance as agreed in writing. KPC reserve the right not to admit children for whom fees are in arrears. In the event of arrears accumulating, management will discuss this with you and if these are not settled within agreed time limits, the children’s place will be withdrawn.
8.3 Fees are payable at all times including absenteeism due to illness. Fees are payable at all times including absenteeism due to illness or for any other reason. In the rare event that the Out of School Club has to close due to extreme weather conditions that pose a health and safety risk or the school has to close, fees will not be refunded.
8.4 KPC reserves the right to increase its fees; it is unlikely that fees will increase more than once annually.
8.5 Any Out Of School Club Bookings made within 24 hours will be subject to an emergency fee that will be added automatically to your booking.
8.6 We recommend that all bookings include cover per child per day. Cover must be purchased at the time of booking. If cover is included, you are allowed to swap your sessions if required or cancel your session with a full refund to your Kids Play Account. Please speak to your site manager if you require a refund to your bank account or your childcare voucher provider account.
8.7 If no cover has been added to your booking and you wish to swap/exchange the day, a £10 administration fee will be applied. Any other costs such as early/late club/trip day fees will need to be applied if you are swapping to a day where these requirements are necessary.
8.8 Please note if you are late picking up your child a fee of £5 will be charged for every 5 minutes late.
9. Medical Health
9.1 KPC will not admit children suffering with any infectious disease or virus. KPC reserve the right not to administer medicine, however, a request to administer medicine will be considered on an individual basis. Children who have been suffering with an infectious disease or virus will not be re-admitted unless a doctor’s letter is presented stating that the child has made full recovery.
9.2 Parents/guardians must sign a form of authority in the event of emergency hospital treatment becoming necessary. Staff shall administrate minor first aid as and when necessary.
9.3 KPC must be informed in writing of any special dietary requirements or allergic food substances.
10. Complaint procedure
It is hoped that parents/guardians will not have to complain about any aspect of the service we provide, however, should the need arise; there are three stages at which complaints can be considered.
Stage 1 – The Informal Resolution
Discuss your complaint with the relevant staff member. If you are still dissatisfied you may discuss the matter with the manager. It is hoped that the matter may be resolved to all parties at this stage.
Stage 2 – Formal Complaint to Management
If unresolved at the Informal Stage, the complaint should be sent in writing to the manager. You will then receive a written request to attend a meeting with management to discuss the matter.
Stage 3 – Formal Complaint to OFSTED
This stage is to be used if the outcome of stage 2 is not satisfactory. A written complaint should be set out and sent to OFSTED, Royal Exchange Buildings, St Ann’s Square, Manchester. M2 7LA
11. Violence At Work
Violence against any KPC personnel will not be tolerant and will result in the loss of your children’s place. A working definition of violence at work is ‘any incident where an employee is abused, threatened or assaulted by a member of the public, parent or child cared for by KPC in circumstances arising out of the course of his/her employment.’
Violence will be deemed to include physical force, verbal abuse with threats, rude gestures, and innuendoes, sexual or racial harassment.
12. Termination
This contract will last for a period of one year, effective from the child’s start date and will be reviewed every six months. However, during this period KPC reserve the absolute right to terminate this agreement with immediate effect, in the event that any of the clauses listed in these terms and conditions are broken. All children that attend Kids Play Childcare do play downstairs in the public eye during the day.