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Childcare Payments
Welcome to the Payments page. Here you can find out about money-saving options for your childcare and learn more about exclusive Special Offers to Kids Play parents too.
Saving Money On Childcare
Find out how you can save money on nursery cost in Milton Keynes and other venues by clicking the titles in the list below:
Sibling Discount
At Kids Play Childcare, we understand that having more than one child in care can be a struggle. In order to provide added support to families who attend our Day Nurseries and Pre-Schools, we offer complimentary 10% discounted fees for all parents with more than one child in our care. Ask your Nursery manager today how you can benefit too.
NHS Staff Discount
Kids Play Day Nurseries and Pre-Schools are pleased to offer 10% off childcare fees for all NHS staff members. To find out more, contact your Nursery Manager for more information.
Tax Credits
Did you know you can get extra tax credits to help pay for some of your childcare costs? If you're already claiming working tax credits you might also be entitled to claim extra credits to help pay for childcare if: You are a single parent working 16+ hours per week, both parents are working 16+ hours per week, your household income is under £46,000, or your childcare provider is approved or registered.
You could claim up to 70% of childcare costs which can be up to £122.50 a week for one child or £210 extra for two or more children depending on how much you earn. To find out more and see if you're eligible,
click here.
11 Hour Funding
Did you know that you can stretch your free childcare allowance with Kids Play Childcare? All 3 to 4 year olds in England are currenrly entitled to 15 hours of free early education or childcare spread over 38 weeks of the year*. But, with new legislation, it can now be stretched to 11 hours per week over the whole year. The benefits of stretching your allowance include: Childcare covers the school holidays, children continue their Nursery education and your child can attend our exciting Holiday Clubs and trips. To find out more about how you can benefit, contact your nursery manager directly today.
*2 year funded places are available but dependant on family income.
Childcare Vouchers
Kids Play Childcare accepts all major childcare vouchers as part or full payment of your child’s nursery fees. To find out more about how you can use this payment method, contact your nursery manager directly today.
Please note that using childcare vouchers can affect your entitlement to tax credits.
Childcare Special Offers
Find out how you can benefit from great offers on your nursery cost in Milton Keynes and other venues exclusively at Kids Play Day Nurseries and Pre-Schools by clicking the list below:
Refer a Friend - Receive £50
If you recommend a new child from a new family and they register at a Kids Play Day Nursery or Pre-School for at least 2 days a week, you will receive £50* as a thank you. *£50 cheque given to the referral family once the new child has attended for a minimum of 1 month. Reward only applicable when fee-paying children are introduced to a Kids Play Nursery, unfortunately we cannot offer this to children who are only accessing the free entitlement.
Up to a week of Settling-In sessions FREE
At Kids Play Childcare, we understand that getting your child settled into a new environment can be difficult at times. To make this process easier for both parents and children, we are offering up to a week of Settling-In sessions for free*. *Based on 10 half-day sessions, free days to be used non-consecutively, based on price of half-day session for under 3's at Knowlhill, sessions to be used prior to start date, parents must be present during Settling-In sessions, parent must have booked a start date and completed registration process.