Attend our Nursery Open Day – Coming Soon!
Bury St Edmunds Day Nursery & Pre-School
Nursery in Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk
Deputy Nursery & Pre-School Manager: Zara Rowe
Opening Hours: | 7:30 am – 6:30 pm |
Address: | Bury St Edmunds Day Nursery & Pre-School, Newmarket Road, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 3SN |
Nursery Tel: | 01284 700414 |
Enquiries Tel: | 0330 333 1080 |
Tour our Nursery | Schedule a tour now |
Your Nursery Manager
“Hi, my name is Kay and I’m the Nursery Manager here at Kids Play Bury St Edmunds Day Nursery & Pre-School.
I have XX years experience in childcare and have a Level x in childcare, along with being a SEN and designated safeguard officer.
It is such a pleasure to be Nursery Manager of this fantastic setting. Our Day Nursery & Pre-School is for babies from 6 weeks old up to 5 years of age. However, we do also offer wraparound care for children up to 12 years of age.
Our setting has an emphasis on nature-based learning. Our designated age appropriate rooms allow children to freely move indoors and outdoors, where they’ll be exposed to an abundance of nature based experiences, using natural resources, such as mud kitchens, sand and water play and ‘real’ vegetables for play kitchens. One of our teaching approaches is ‘Planning in the Moment’, where children’s interests are turned into learning experiences. Click Here to download our free eBook about the approach.
If you would like your child to attend our Day Nursery & Pre-School you can download our registration form here. Once completed please send onto

Rich Learning Environment for all ages
Nature based play grows confidence, social skills and self esteem.
Preview Events
Discover how we combine learning with nature based play at our Nursery & Pre-School Open Day, on Saturday 9th April 2022. Bookings will be available soon!
Alternatively you can book a tour or download one of our e-books to find out how you can save money on childcare below:
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Important update regarding COVID-19
Additional COVID-19 measures have been rolled out to ensure the safety of parents, children and staff. You can read more about the full COVID-19 measures here.
Please click here to see our latest parent Q&A’s, which should help you with any queries you may have.
About Bury St Edmunds Day Nursery & Pre-School
At Kids Play our Bury St Edmunds Day Nursery & Pre-School, is open Monday to Friday from 7:30am to 6:30pm, for children from 6 weeks to 5 years.
With an emphasis on nature-based play, The Nursery and Pre-School rooms allow children to freely move indoors and out. Outdoors children can choose from an abundance of activities including water and sand play, the growing patch and even a mud kitchen. Whilst indoors, they use natural wooden toys and ‘real’ vegetables in the play kitchens.
We believe in making learning fun. Using “planning in the moment” teaching, every activity is turned into a learning opportunity.
We also believe it’s vital for children to have external influences. Weekly, a football coach visits for Mini Striker sessions and we regularly take children out in small groups to visit the shops, post office and have even been to visit the vets.
All our food is freshly cooked onsite, our menus are prepared by a nutritionist and all our meat produce adheres to the Red Tractor food standards.
Working with parents and carers
To help build strong relationships with you and your child, you will have a designated key person at Bury St Edmunds Day Nursery and Pre-School.
In between formal reviews, they will provide your daily updates. Our formal reviews tracking your child’s development, happen monthly in the baby room, every 5 weeks in the Toddler Room and every 10 weeks in the Pre-School room.
Should your child require additional support for special education needs, disabilities or speak English as a second language, please ask how the team can help.
We also accommodate the 15 and 30 government grants.
Click Here to download our free eBook on 30 hours.
Nature Based Play
At Kids Play we believe learning should be an adventure, which is why our learning is based around nature-based play!
Throughout our Nurseries, you’ll see children play with natural wooden toys, use real vegetables in our role play areas and create outdoor inspired arts and crafts. Watch our video below to see why we embrace nature-based play!
All our Day Nurseries & Pre-Schools are Ofsted registered. Our Bury St Edmunds Day Nursery and Pre-School were last inspected in September 2016 and received a ‘Good’ rating.
Here at Kids Play having a strong parent partnership is vital. Here’s what some of our Bury St Edmunds parents had to say about the Day Nursery & Pre-School.